EUNIS General Assembly
Draft Minutes

The annual meeting of the EUNIS General Assembly during the EUNIS2010 Conference in Warsaw, Poland on 24 June 2010.

The President Jan Madey took the chair. There were 32 member representatives and guests present.

1. Welcome and registration of representatives

The President welcomed new colleagues to their first meeting of the EUNIS General Assembly. Representatives of member institutions and organisations registered their presence at the meeting.

2. Approval of the minutes from the General Assembly meeting in Santiago de Compostela

The General Assembly approved the minutes from Santiago de Compostela.

3. Approval of new Statutes for EUNIS

The General Assembly approved the proposed new Statutes.

The main changes were:

  • New membership category: Personal Member
  • Initial admission/rejection of new members by the Board and final approval by the GA

The General Assembly decided that the membership fee for Personal Members would be 50,- euros.

4. Approval of new members since 1 September 2009

The General Assembly approved the following new members:

UNIC-C, The Danish IT-Centre for Education and Research (Denmark)

Aalto University (Finland) (HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY RENAMED after fusion)
CSC Center for Scientific Computing (Finland)
University of Helsinki (Finland)
Hanken School of Economics (Finland)
University of Tampere (Finland)

Université de Lyon (France)
Université de Bourgogne (France)

University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland)
Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (Poland)
Warsaw School of Computer Science (Poland)
Warsaw School of Life Sciences (Poland)
Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Universidade de Minho – Escola de Engenharia (Portugal)

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (Romania)

Open University of Catalonia (Spain)
University of Granada (Spain)
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

University of Abertay Dundee (UK)
University of Leicester (UK)

The following members have resigned: 

AHE Lodz (Poland)
City University (UK)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
Saxion Hogescholen (Netherlands)
University of the Arts (UK)
University of Birmingham (UK)

Corporate Members:


Rejected application:

Private Sector development Research Group (Cameroon)

5. Report on EUNIS activities 2009-2010

The following report on EUNIS activities during the last academic year was presented:

21.9.2009 Jan Madey and Kristel Sarlin met with Janne Kanner (president) and Karel Wietch (executive secretary) of TERENA to discuss possible co-operation
3.-4.10.2009 EUNIS Board meeting in Warsaw

RS3G (Rome Student Systems and Standards Group)

The RS3G Task Force was founded at EUNIS 2009 in Santiago de Compostela 23.6.2009

RS3G is an established group of software implementers and stakeholders in the European Higher Education domain which is focused on contributing to the definition and adoption of standards and procedures for the exchange of data to facilitate student mobility and lifelong learning by:

    • Building community to share news and experience in student systems
    • Identifying and sharing opportunities to establish interoperability
    • Providing expertise to the development of business cases driving specifications
    • Contributing to, endorsing and facilitating uniform adoption towards standards
    • Fostering contacts with formal entities such as EC, EUA, ENQA, CEN
    • Liaise with communities of interest like EAIE, EUNIS
    • Showcasing outcomes of RS3G activities

EC = European Commission,
EUA = European University Association,
ENQA = European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education,
CEN = European Committee for Standardization,
EAIE = European Association for International Education,
EUNIS = European University Information Systems

RS3G Workshops:

16.9.2009 Empowering student mobility: digital student data portability in Madrid, Spain at EAIE
16.-17.11.2009 From IDea to Action! Focusing on Identity Management and Mobility Project in Uppsala, Sweden with KION
18.3.2010 RS3G Mobility Project & Federated Identity and Access Management in Bologna, Italy with CINECA
22.6.2010 “Moving forward” – projects, standards and implementation in support of the EHEA

ELFT (eLearning Task Force)

The ELTF is carrying out a number of projects and activities to encourage the exchange of information and foster collaborative working across Europe. At present, there are five working groups:

  • EUNIS Dorup E-learning Award
  • E-Learning Snapshots
  • E-Learning Case Studies across Europe
  • Future of e-learning
  • Online repositories for e-learning

ELFT Task Force Meeting 4.2.2010 in Barcelona Spain at Open University of Catalonia

EUNIS Updates at ZKI-meeting in Potsdam, Germany on 24.3.2010 (Jan Madey) and at the Finnish IT-Directors´ spring conference in Helsinki, Finland on 24.3.2010 (Kristel Sarlin)

Annual Conference in Warsaw, Poland 22.-25.6.2010

6. Financial Report

EUNIS treasurer Peter Tinson presented the EUNIS Accounts for 2009-2010. The General Assembly formally approved the accounts.

The General Assembly decided to increase the membership fee to 300 euros per academic year. The budget for 2010-2011 was approved.

7. Election of Council

The following members were re-elected to the Council until 2013:

Uwe Blotevogel (Germany)
Javier Franco (Spain) 
Hans-Dieter Weckmann (Germany) 

The following new members were elected to the Council until 2013:

Ilkka Siissalo (Finland)
Vicent Andreu (Spain)
John Murphy (Ireland)
Johan Bergström (Swed

8. Proposal for future activities

There was a discussion on future EUNIS activities.
Points that came up were:

  • Benchmarking within the EUNIS community
  • Study tours
  • Plan for marketing to get new members
  • Stating the benefits/value of EUNIS to members
  • Use of new media (social networking)
  • Follow up of MIS-working group
  • Business Intelligence workshop
  • Speak to less busy people

Kristel Sarlin
EUNIS Executive Secretary