Minutes of the board of Directors
3rd-4th October 2009, Warsaw, Poland

The EUNIS President, Jan Madey (Poland) took the chair. The following Board members were present:

Jan Madey (Warsaw University, Poland)
Viljan Mahnic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Hans-Dieter Weckmann (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Peter Tinson (UCISA, UK)
Pierre Ageron (CSIESR, France)
Gill Ferrell (JISCinfoNet, UK)
Javier Franco (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Orla Hoppe (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
Arsenio Reis (UTAD, Portugal)
Kristel Sarlin (EUNIS Executive Secretary, Finland)
Jean-Francois Desnos (past president)
Yves Epelboin (past president)

Apologies: Pierre Ageron (CSIESR, France)

Lars Kayser (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Robert Sultana (University of Malta, Malta)

1. Introduction

Jan Madey opened the meeting and welcomed all participants. He presented the University of Warsaw as being the best, greatest university in Poland excelling particularly in Archaeology and Computer Science.

2. Approvals

The minutes of the 25 June 2009 EUNIS General Assembly and Council were approved.

The minutes of the 23 June 2009 and 25 June 2009 board meetings were approved.

3. Allocation of tasks to Board members

See below: 4, 5, 6 and 7

4. Board contact persons for Corporate members

Javier Franco will develop a proposal to give user groups to EUNIS.

Contact persons for SAP: Hans-Dieter Weckmann, Jean-Francois Desnos, Yves Epelboin, Jan Madey.

Other corporate members according to EUNIS website: Digitary, Kion, Polopoly

Corporate members will be given a slot for presentations on EUNIS congresses.

5. Task Forces

Contact persons for the task forces in brackets

a. E-Learning Task Force, including E-learning award, snapshots, Jens Doerup Award (Gill Ferrell)

b. MIS Task Force (Viljan Mahnic, Jean-Francois Desnos, Ligia Ribeiro)

c. ICT Performance Indicators Task Force (Javier Franco, Peter Tinson)

d. SUN Solutions Task Force cancelled

e. RS3G Task Force,  RS3G= Rome Standards, Systems, Support Group=companies: KION, Unitary, Ladok i.e. people selling software (Simone Ravaioli/KION, Jean-Francois Desnos, Viljan Mahnic)

We have to control the links of the task forces on the EUNIS website.

6. MIS workshop in Bologna on March 18-19, 2010

Will take place with Cineca.

7. External links

Contact persons in brackets.

a. CAUDIT Council of Australian University of Information Technology

b. EAIE European Association for International Education (Jan Madey, Jean-Francois Desnos)

c. EDUCAUSE (Peter Tinson, Yves Epelboin)

d. EUA European University Association (Jan Madey, Jean-Francois Desnos, Yves Epelboin)

e. HUMANE Heads of University Management & Administration Network in Europe

f. TERENA (Yves Epelboin, Ligia Ribeiro)
Gill Ferrell was appointed to go to the next TERENA networking conference in Vilnius in Lithuania from 31 May to 3 June 2010. Yves Epelboin  might be interested in the Streaming Media Working group.

Jan Madey and Kristel Sarlin met with TERENA President Janne Kanner and Executive Secretary Karel Vietsch in Helsinki on September 21st 2009

8. Review of actions from previous meeting
  • Yves Epelboin to submit invoice for ELTF meeting charges [in process]
  • Include cost of accounting help for Treasurer and secretarial help for President in revised Budget; also consider including technical help for Web Manager [the budget has to increase by 3.000 Euros for secretarial assistant for President and technical assistant for Web manager, Kristel Sarlin will get a small laptop]
  • Circulate Accounts 2008-9 to Board members
  • Circulate Budget 2009-10 to Board members
  • Send annual statement of EUNIS activities with invoice
  • Peter Tinson to send reminder invoices in November/December
  • Peter Tinson to supply up-to-date list of members having paid to Conference organiser before registrations accepted. Peter Tinson to write to member institutions in early January to confirm representative name and remind about payment if necessary
  • Arrange Elite Award competition 2009 [later on the agenda: 13]
  • Amend and distribute Guidelines [later on the agenda: 14 ]
  • Invite Peter Tinson to lead ICT Performance Indicators Task Force [Javier Franco and Peter Tinson work in the ICT task force]
  • Arrange EUNIS Top Concerns Survey [later on the agenda: 15]
  • Invite bids for future EUNIS annual conferences [later on the agenda: 10]
  • Discuss Research Management workshop with Oracle
9. Finance

Board agreed that authority to access the EUNIS bank accounts at Nordea Finland will be given to EUNIS Treasurer Peter Tinson (Great Britain),  EUNIS Executive Secretary Kristel Sarlin (Finland) and EUNIS President Jan Madey (Poland).

Correspondingly the authority will be withdrawn from Past EUNIS Treasurer Markku Kuula (Finland) and from Past EUNIS President Jean-Francois Desnos (France).

EUNIS Treasurer Peter Tinson and EUNIS Executive Secretary Kristel Sarlin are to be given EUNIS credit cards (MasterCard) for the account

EUNIS Executive Secretary Kristel Sarlin is also given authority to make spare account investments for better interest rate.

10. Future EUNIS annual conferences

EUNIS conference in 2011

John Murphy (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)

possibly together with Noel Wilson (University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland)

We have to get detailed information till end of November.

Next candidates

  • Arsenio Reis (UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal), firm interest in bidding for 2012
  • Prof. Vedran Mornar, PhD, dean and Zoran Bekic (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Christian Zuffery (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

Orla Hoppe will supplement the guidelines for organising conferences with questions to answer concerning distances, travel, accommodation etc.

Decision on conference organiser for 2011 must be taken this year.

11. EUNIS 2010 – state of preparations

The Warsaw committee is organised and preparations well under way.

All present board members will join the program committee.

Jan Madey suggests

  • to ask for extended abstracts, at least 3 pages
    Arsenio Reis: this should depend on the paper types
  • to organise 3 tracks: scientific, case study, company tracks
12. Membership issues

New applicants:
Université du Luxembourg
UNI-C, The Danish IT-Centre for Education and Research

Canceled membership:
ASIUS, Swiss national organisation

Total ?: Full – 134; Corresponding – 4; Corporate – 9
The exact figures to be deducted from payments.

Peter Tinsonwill ask institution representatives what is the best time for the invoice.

Peter Tinson willdraft what the benefits are to be a member. This should accompany the invoice.

Gill Ferrel suggests to open EUNIS for personal membership, for people who don’t represent a whole institution. The German ZKI has such type of membership. Gill Ferrel will write a proposal with assistance of Hans-Dieter Weckmann.
This would mean a change of statutes.

Also acceptance by the board for memberships and not by the General Assembly will need a change of statutes. Javier Franco will look in the statutes for preparing it.
Kristel Sarlin will ask Yves Epelboin about the procedure for changing the statutes.

The EUNIS website update has to change of from Yves Epelboin to Jan Madey.
The website has to be updated as soon as possible.

13. EUNIS Elite Award for Excellence

Kristel Sarlin will ask Martin Price about the procedure.

Re-draft rules for EUNIS Elite Award for Excellence

Upload new version to website, advertise Award, earlier deadline required for Award submissions.

14. Guidelines for EUNIS Conference Organisers

Orla Hoppe, Javier Franco, Jan Madey will have a detailed look at the paper distributed at the board meeting.

15. EUNIS Top Concerns survey

Peter Tinson told us about the Tops Concerns survey of UCISA. In Germany ZKI a similar survey took place.

Hans- Dieter Weckmann, Peter Tinson and Javier Franco (because contribution of the ICT task force) propose how to do a Top Concerns survey on the occasion of the Warsaw conference.

16. Future EUNIS activities

The Rectors Seminar will take place in 2010.

TERENA is interested to cooperate at arranging it in Amsterdam

17. The future of EUNIS debate

Kristel Sarlin gives a summary about the comments from the last conference. Perhaps there will be a special meeting after the next conference.

18. Conference Fee subsidies

In the hand of the local organizes.

19. Any other business

Jens Doerup Award: only a paper for the congress could be a candidate.

The program committee will give a proposal for Best Paper Award.


Hans-Dieter Weckmann
EUNIS  Secretary