Paola Gargiulo, CINECA, Italy
Co-opted to the EUNIS Board of Directors till June 2019 (replaced Michele Mennielli in Jan 2017)
Paola Gargiulo is Open Access & Research Services Officer at Cineca. CINECA is the Italian Interuniversity Consortium made up of more than 70 Italian Institutions (Universities, Research Institutes and the Ministry of Education, University and Research).
I hold a degree in Philosophy and MLIS in Library and Information Science. Currently I’m focusing on the integration of open dissemination of research results with the researcher’s workflow. This task is already technically performed by IRIS, the CRIS developed by Cineca, but needs improvement and socio-cultural acceptance. The objective is to embed the habit of sharing and disseminating scientific output into the researcher’s institutional digital research environment in order to avoid duplication of efforts, waste of time, and above all to effectively contribute to overcome the resistance to a culture of sharing. I’m also advocating on Open Science policies and strategies and their implementation in Italian universities and research centres.
Among the activities I’m carrying out to support academic research in the field of open dissemination of research publications and research data management and sharing, I serve as National Open Access Desk in the EU funded project OpenAIRE 2020 (2015-2018).
I have been actively engaged on open access issues since 2004 and I served as member of national and international working groups: CRUI (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities) Library Committee OA WG(2006 – 2013), EUA- European University Association OA WG(2007-2008), – SCOAP3 Technical Group (2007-2009) and SCOAP3 Governing Board (2014-2016). Served on the SPARC Europe Board(Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition) from 2009 to 2012 and currently serves on the Board of AISA- Italian Association for the promotion of Science Open (2015- ).