Full Professor at university P.M. Curie UPMC-Sorbonne Universités since 1990.
Special advisor to the President for MOOC.
Past CIO for Teaching and Learning
Pioneer of simulation methods (1970) and HPC (2001). Field of research: interaction of X-Rays with well-organized materials (X-Ray dynamical theory). Has been working in UK (Bristol university) and at IBM Research (Yorktown US) for 2 ½ years, successively in Physics then graphics and imaging. Pioneer in France (1980) in the building of Information Systems for Research at UPMC and more generally in Research (CNRS), then took national responsibilities at the Ministry of HE. Founding member of CSIESR, the National Association for Information Systems in HE, then President 1987). Later founding member of EUNIS (European Universities Information Systems Organization) (1993) then President (1997).
Expert at OECD in the 90’s for the first international study of impact of IS on HE. Has lead a number of expertise in this field in France as well as in Europe: EUA, EC…, member advisory Committee for the French MOOC initiative (FUN)