In the tropical seas, in the so-called doldrums, sailors are aware that, when the clouds rise in the distance, they must rush to modify their sails before the storm. In […]
Month: May 2015
Report: Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA): a landscape review, by Gill Ferrell
“We look in more detail at the components of this life cycle later in this report: suffice it to say here that the effective management of assessment and feedback is […]
Dutch HBO Benchmarking
IT BENCHMARK 2014 Dutch Higher ED Rens van der Vorst @Rensvandervorst “A benchmark is not about numbers. It is about a story that needs to be told” A few years […]
EMOOCs 2015: European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, May 18-20, Belgium
Organised by the Université catholique de Louvain and P.A.U. Education, the event aims to be an opportunity to gather European actors involved in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), from policy […]
AlmaLaurea conference: “Graduates’ Social (Im)mobility and Territorial Mobility”, May 28, 2015, Italy
The Inter-university Consortium AlmaLaurea, in association with the University of Milano-Bicocca, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), is glad to invite you to the Conference: […]