EUNIS partnered with AVIXA to deliver a summit on Intelligent Digital Learning which explored the future of learning in a world increasingly dominated by algorithms and automation. We concluded that […]
Category: Blogs
Blog post: How international networks can drive innovation?
What role do universities play in an increasingly digital world? How can European universities benefit from global perspectives? What does trust mean in a digitalized higher education landscape? University members […]
MOOCs again !
Still writing on MOOCs while, in a previous newsletter, I explained how the term disappeared in the United States? Am I waisting your time (and mine)? Try searching the Educause […]
Smart courses are coming
I few weeks ago, I had the chance to participate to Educause. Great place, great event, great talks but difficult to meet colleagues in such a huge attendance. As usual […]
The following is an adaptation of the blog I wrote for a French Journal, Educpros, in a rush after the events of last Friday. It seems to me very important […]