Open Education Europa: Exploring the cyber-physical continuum in education
Learning in cyber-physical worlds by Open Education Europa eLearning Papers is a digital publication on eLearning by openeducationeuropa.eu, a portal created by the European Commission to promote the use of ICT in […]
2013 BI survey results
Last year EUNIS through the BI task force conducted a Survey on the Maturity around the usage of BI solutions at Universities in Europe. This work was presented both at […]
September 30th: EUNIS to speak on ERAI in Orlando
During the upcoming EDUCAUSE annual conference in Orlando, Florida; Johan Bergström and Michele Mennielli will speak about the ERAI project and exchange ideas with the session participants on how this project could […]
October 27th: join the MOOC !
A MOOC to learn and design ICT-based learning design activities On behalf of UOC (Open University of Catalunya) and the Hands-On ICT project (EU funded project from the Lifelong Learning […]
JISC initiative: From Prospects to Alumnus
On behalf of Jisc, we would like to bring to your attention an online consultation: “From Prospects to Alumnus” (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/jiscp2a). The survey is open until the end of August 26, […]
UK 2014 Survey of Digital capabilities: embedding and support
UK 2014 Survey of Digital capabilities The UCISA-DSDG User Skills Group has just launched the first biennial Digital capabilities survey of the UK HE sector, focusing on what can also […]
EUNIS 2015 Congress website
EUNIS 2015 Congress website already running… As announced at the presentation at the EUNIS 2014 Gala Dinner the website for EUNIS 2015 has been launched! It is available from the […]
EUNIS 2014 Congress Awards
The Awards ceremony was held during the Gala Dinner at EUNIS 2014 Congress in Umea: 2014 EUNIS Elite Award for excellence in implementing Information Systems for Higher Education winner is: […]
Bomgar promotion for EUNIS Members
Bomgar promotion for EUNIS Members till 30th of September 2014: Now that EUNIS 2014 is behind us, we wanted to thank everyone who took part and helped make the event […]
EUNIS 2014 Congress and beyond…
EUNIS 2014 Congress, dedicated for IT-professionals, teachers and researchers with an interest on how IT can be utilized for education, research and administration, was held on 11th-13th of June in Umeå, Sweden. […]