MOOCs, SPOCs and behind
In my last post I imagined how universities and Higher Education, more generally, could benefit from a blended education, partly as SPOC, i.e. small online courses, and partly face to […]
Eunis Journal of Higher Education IT – Second Issue
The second issue of the EUNIS journal – EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT (EJHEIT) is out. This issue contains papers from the 2014 Eunis congress and focuses on the accepted […]
MOOCs and universities
I have long lived in the United States, I worked and lived there and I came back truly European, convinced that we belong to a different culture and a different […]
EUNIS BI Task Force: May 20, Madrid
Institutional Intelligence in Universities The EUNIS BI Task Force will participate in an event in Spain dedicated to Institutional Intelligence in Universities, organized by CRUE-TIC. The event will take place […]
EUNIS in partnership with the Future EdTech Conference: 2nd-3rd of June, London
EUNIS in partnership with the Future EdTech Conference The Future EdTech Conference: Enabling Transformational Change and Innovation in Higher Education via Technology will be held on 2nd-3rd June in London. At […]
MOOCs: Design, use and business models
MOOCs: Design, use and business models by Jean-Charles Pomerol, Yves Epelboin & Claire Thoury MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) are shaking up the traditional forms of primary and continuing education and […]
Call for papers for EUNIS 2015 Congress CLOSED
Dear Colleague, Please note – the call for papers for EUNIS 2015 Congress has now closed and as we are now in the process of reviewing papers, we are unable […]
UCISA2015 Conference: 18-20 March, Edinburgh
UCISA2015 Conference: 18-20 March, Edinburgh Edinburgh will be the place to be for IT leaders in IT from HE for UCISA15. We have booked a range of stimulating and high […]
EUNIS 2015: call for papers deadline extension till Feb 27
Call for papers – deadline extended till 27th of February EUNIS 2015: The Journey to Discovery 10-12 June 2015 Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland Dear Colleague, The call for papers deadline […]
EDUCAUSE 2014: French delegation report
Educause annual conference 2014, visits to MIT & University of Central Florida: French delegation report A French delegation was officially formed to participate in the annual Educause conference. It was […]